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    1、 What misunderstandings exist on the plant wall?

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-10-22】
    Plant walls are expensive?The plant wall is the performance of the stereoscopic horticultural flattening. The animal is more encrypted, the equipment and structure requirements are more precise, and t...

    2、 Factors that cause plant water loss

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-10-15】
    Factors that cause plant water loss1. Temperature: The temperature here is mainly the temperature in the environment where the plant wall is located. The temperature has the most direct influence on t...

    3、 Vertical Greenery

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-10-08】
    A key to open the door to a green new city!Vertical greenery corresponds to ground greening and is a method of greening in vertical space. Make full use of space, plant climbing plants on roofs, walls...

    4、 Eight benefits of roof greenery

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-09-17】
    First, increasing the urban green area, the limited nature of urban land resources limits the development of urban greening. Under such a background, roof greening has solved the problem of urban gree...

    5、 Differences in material and wall orientation of three-dimensional green plant walls

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-09-10】
    Three-dimensional greening is believed to be familiar to everyone! However, there are still some small tricks to really do the three-dimensional greening. Today, let everyone learn the difference between the material...

    6、 Natural plant wall made of epiphytes

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-09-03】
    Epiphytic plants are a special component of the tropical rain forest structure, with about 30,000 species of epiphytes in 65 families and 850 genera worldwide....

    7、 The basic form of indoor plants and outdoor decoration design

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-08-27】
    The issue of plant placement has always been the focus of the gardening industry, whether it is the placement of plants in a small number of indoors or the placement of plants in outdoor courtyards....

    8、 Three elements of vertical green maintenance

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-08-20】
    Plants, like our humans, need to be maintained, but the maintenance of plants and ours as a kind of living system, plant maintenance is different from our human beings....

    9、 Selection principle of wall greening vegetable varieties

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-08-13】
    Vegetable varieties are used for the advantages of wall greening. There are many varieties of vegetables, which have great differences in color, plant type and texture....

    10、 9 ways to green the wall

    AUTHOR: TIME:【2018-08-08】
    Wall greening is the planting of plants on the wall, which can survive for 5-30 years or even longer under the maintenance of ground plants.The basic structure of wall greening includes structural layer, plant layer, substrate layer,...