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    Natural plant wall made of epiphytes

    AUTHOR: DATE:2018/9/3 9:28:46 VISITS:

    Epiphytic plants are a special component of the tropical rain forest structure, with about 30,000 species of epiphytes in 65 families and 850 genera worldwide.

    In tropical rain forests, these plants account for about half of the number of plants. Some plants do not touch the soil, their roots grow on the branches of other trees, and use rain, air vapor and limited humus (decayed dead leaves or animal waste) to make a living, such as ferns. Many species of Orchidaceae, such plants are called epiphytes. They generally don't grow very large, they can carry out photosynthesis themselves, they don't take the nutrients and moisture of the plants they attach to (different from parasitic plants); the meaning of this form of growth is that they can climb over huge trees. I better absorb light.

    As one of the iconic plants in the rainforest, beautiful epiphytes are now used for horticultural cultivation. In the meantime, it contains some orchids, pineapples, ferns, and Araceae. It is the most beautiful member of indoor ornamental plants.

    Epiphytic phenomenon refers to a life phenomenon in which two organisms live closely together, but there is no nutrient exchange between them.

    A plant that lives on the life of other plant species can absorb water and make nutrients. This phenomenon of entrapment and not eating is called epiphytic, also called birth.

    Plants of most plant walls, especially those of indoor plant walls, are derived from domesticated epiphytes, such as ferns, plants of the genus Araceae. However, most of the plant walls are cultivated in densely packed carriers. If the original living environment of the epiphytes is restored to create a plant wall, it may be an approach that is more in line with the characteristics of epiphytes, such as the use of snake boards or similar bark. Fix the epiphytes, and after atomization to irrigate, the necessary lighting is a good choice. From the visual and artistic role, the epiphytic plant wall is more primitive and natural.

    However, the creation of this type of plant wall requires the treatment of atomized irrigation of the plant wall as well as the filling of the space and the waterproofing of the bottom. From the perspective of cost and cost, the elasticity of epiphytic wall is relatively large, mainly related to equipment.