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    Selection principle of wall greening vegetable varieties

    AUTHOR: DATE:2018/8/13 10:46:22 VISITS:

      Vegetable varieties are used for the advantages of wall greening. There are many varieties of vegetables, which have great differences in color, plant type and texture. They can be planted with colorful modeling styles and become a rich and novel plant material library for wall greening. Compared with other flowers and foliage plants used for wall greening, the cultivation and maintenance costs of vegetables are low, the cultivation period is short in the early stage, and the replacement is simple and quick, which also provides the possibility of frequent replacement of plant materials, which can effectively improve Long-term landscape effect on the wall. Vegetables as a planting material for wall greening are very suitable for placement in public places such as schools, restaurants, airports, etc. The following modern gardening instructions explain the selection principles of green vegetable varieties under the wall:

      1 Selecting vegetable varieties with slow growth and long growth cycle Plant growth too fast will not be conducive to maintaining the stability of the landscape, and it is not easy to manage, and for the safety of the load, the plants grow on the façade for a long time and grow too fast. Will increase the burden on the wall greening system load. Therefore, wall greening should select vegetable varieties with long growth cycle and moderate growth rate to achieve the purpose of improving the durability and stability of greening, reducing the number of replacement materials and saving planting costs.

      2  Selecting vegetable varieties with shallow roots and relatively underdeveloped roots Because the wall greening system uses planting carriers to grow and support plant materials, there is a large limit on the quality of the base, in order to prevent the waterproof layer, hanging non-woven curtains and other supports. Vegetables with damaged roots and strong roots or penetrating ability should be used with caution. For example, tomatoes, peppers and other fruits and vegetables have deep roots and require thick soil depth. It is not recommended for use in wall greening. Wall greening should use leafy vegetables of shallow roots. In addition, vegetables such as celery, water spinach, red leaf beet, etc., which are more developed in roots but have good stereoscopic greening, can be considered to be independently cultivated with nutrient mash, etc., which can effectively control the roots and make it more convenient.

      3 Select vegetables with small morphological changes and moderate expansion to ensure the safety of the greening of the wall and the feasibility of construction. The selected vegetables must have certain restrictions on the volume and weight to ensure that they can be firmly attached to the planting carrier. Avoid lodging. At the same time, the choice of vegetables with small changes in form can also extend the durability and aesthetics of the wall landscape, such as celery, leaf beet, Jingshui, bitter chrysanthemum, purple leaf lettuce, butter lettuce, etc. Maintain a long-lasting, good wall greening effect.

      4 Selecting a simple and extensive vegetable variety for conservation management Considering the special planting environment for wall greening, the selection of vegetables should be based on the simple and extensive maintenance management, such as drought-tolerant, high-temperature, soil-adapted, and low-fat vegetable varieties. In order to achieve the goal of lasting reduction of landscape effect and maintenance costs. Commonly used are auricula, red leaves and gold leaf beets, purple basil, mint and so on. In addition, according to the specific application environment, the vegetable varieties that are commonly used in the local area and have been introduced and domesticated are mainly selected.

      5 Select ornamental plants to use the diverse colors, textures, and shapes of vegetables to create ornamental landscapes, pay attention to the overall effect of the landscape, and strive to create artistic beauty and meet people's viewing needs. When planting plants, the amount of colored leaf vegetables can be increased as much as possible, such as purple purple leaf lettuce, amethyst, purple back sunflower; red red beet, red leaf lettuce; yellow green gold beet, oil wheat Dish, etc.