Plant Wall
Stereoscopic Greening
Ecological Landscape
Ecological Agriculture
Soilless Cultivation
    • CONTACT:Mr. Wu
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    HOME > Plant WallPlant Wall

    Liaoyang plant wall project

    AUTHOR: SOURCE: TIME:2015/6/11 16:15:44

    The project is located in Liaoyang City. Wall green plants to decorate the entire interior has brought vitality.

    Modular plant wall, using the plant are: spider plants, pocket-sized coconut, Boston ferns, anthurium, etc.

    Modular plant wall features:

    1, ease of construction, the product quality is definitely tall, absolute price close to the people. Shape with the most popular in Europe and America carved craft, art van full of truly out of the hall, on the very Majestic.

       2, this product is conducive to post-maintenance, low maintenance costs. Completely replace the traditional process (post-maintenance costs high, low survival rate, frequent replacement, drip plug and so on)

       3, plant survival rate approaches 100% totally automatic watering, regular watering, temperature and humidity sensors watering, remote watering. Water protection, anti-jamming protection, water level dual protection, automatic fertilization, automatically apply and practice the full spectrum of technologies such as fill light.

       4, PE raw materials, no pollution and odor, anti-aging compression, a unique formula to add primary antioxidants, and secondary antioxidants, Qi is generally comparable products.

       5, box size plant carefully research calculated to plant more fine small box, placed a small space and easy to transport.

       6, the upper part of the plant pots having a cat face bar sink, pots inside so fast penetration, reduce watering time, increasing the amount of water, reduce water evaporation.

       7, plant pots angle more suitable for plant growth, plant pots loaded amount of soil and plant nutrition is directly proportional to the desired, fully meet the needs of plant growth.

       8, anti-UV, anti-corrosion, catchment drainage in one, long-life reusable

    9, effectively remove indoor toxic substances, such as formaldehyde may cause leukemia and benzene.

       10, to reduce airborne dust and microorganisms, is the best indoor air cleaner.

       11 summer summer heat, winter insulation humidification, make your room like spring.

       12, can produce anion has health benefits, effective removal of PM2.5

       13, relieve fatigue and stress of work.

       14, soothe the nerves and refresh, improve work efficiency.

       15, at night to reduce generation of carbon dioxide.

       16, the most intimate green pets.