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    How to Maintain Three-dimensional Flowerbed Colored Grass Shape

    AUTHOR: DATE:2018/5/21 10:27:27 VISITS:

      The habit of the colored grass seedlings is hi-temperature, and it is most suitable to grow under the conditions of 22°C to 32°C. It is extremely cold-tolerant. In winter, it should be wintered in a greenhouse at a temperature of about 15°C and a humidity of about 70%. The colored grass is hi light, slightly tolerant to yin, intolerant to the summer heat, not tolerant to wetness or drought, and not strict to the soil. The growing season is hi moist and requires good drainage. High temperature, high humidity or low temperature, high humidity can easily cause plant rot.

      1. Watering time: After the flowerbed is cut, it is poured with water, and the soil matrix of the plug bed is kept moist during the maintenance of the flowerbeds. Normal weather is poured twice a day. Watering is usually done before 10 o'clock in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It cannot be watered when the temperature is high at noon. The overall shape of the local or end must be more watering, Sedum class (white grass, yellow grass) appropriate to pay less water.

      2, a reasonable fertilization: According to the growth of plants in the shape of a half months after the start of spraying a small amount of foliar fertilizer, if the growth period is too long, can not meet the needs of colored grass growth, to thin fertilizer application.

      3. Methods of replanting: If wilting, death, or lack of seedlings occur, they should be replanted in a timely manner. The specifications, varieties, and colors of the replant should be consistent with the original design.

      4, timely weeding: weeds and five-color grass in flowerbeds compete for water, not only affect the growth of colored grass, but also affect the ornamental effect, so we must promptly remove weeds.

      5, timely pruning: In order to maintain the same high-color grass, promote root, stem, leaf growth, so that the flower bed pattern texture is clear, clean and beautiful, improve the ornamental effect of colored flower beds, it should be timely trim.

      6, pest and disease prevention: Once rotten leaves should reduce the number of water spray and water spray.

      7. In case of prolonged rainy days, dry and shelter in advance.