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    Indoor plants to Your Health?

    AUTHOR: DATE:2016/9/12 14:54:37 VISITS:

      Indoor plants are beneficial to human health, and they create a personalized working environment. And indoor environment colorful, decorate people's work and life, creating a vibrant atmosphere, people can have a good mental outlook, can also ease the work pressure. For example: In those plant office, colds, headaches, heart disease incidence is greatly reduced. So, specifically, the role of these plants how, what should we take advantage of the benefits of indoor plants brings it?

      Plants can regulate the climate, affect indoor humidity and improve the air quality, they absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful substances, releasing oxygen. At the same time, they also attract dust, and effectively reduce the indoor temperature. For example, when the outdoor temperature up to 26 degrees Celsius, many plants have grown house indoor temperature is generally in the 21-22 degrees Celsius.

      In general, the relative humidity of the room should not be less than 30%, otherwise it will be bad for your health, but in the winter, without additional humidification in the room, then it can not be done often. Low humidity causes upper respiratory tract mucus dried, resulting in chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, but also makes the skin dry, make the nose and throat to produce dry sense, it will not only make people feel uncomfortable, but also may lead to bacterial and viral immunity decline. The consequences, we will be more susceptible to influenza virus infection. Moisture in the indoor cultivation of those plants have height requirements such as ferns, banana, Africa marijuana, indoor humidity will increase in a natural way. However, it should be noted that, to guard against extremes meet, indoor air humidity not more than 60% to 65% higher than this because once the indoor humidity might result in mildew. The higher the concentration of carbon dioxide content of indoor, people will feel more tired. Studies have shown that: the larger the leaf area of indoor plants, the more oxygen is released, such as bananas and other large leaves of green plants, in dealing with a number of indoor pollution, they often came out on top more than other plants. Dry air dust content to more than moist air content, because the dust particles in the absence of moisture when the number will always be lighter. While electrostatic adsorption will live those floating dust particles in the air.

      Leaves of plants live adsorption of harmful substances, harmful substances filtration treatment. For example, there are now studies have shown: the plant can effectively decompose formaldehyde. After harmful substances into the soil and plant roots to absorb the harmful substances, plants and microorganisms in the soil will be stored the handling of hazardous substances. Thus, harmful substances will become nutrients. Plant treatment rate of harmful substances is only 1% of the rate of microbial treatment, it can be seen detoxification capacity of plants is relatively low. Therefore, to better indoor air purification plants must be placed in the room a lot.

      Practice has proved that plants can purify the indoor air, let us live better. More importantly, we will also have a positive psychological impact.