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    The integration into the mountains and water plant wall

    AUTHOR: DATE:2016/9/9 14:26:59 VISITS:

      "There are all Mountain Park, anhydrous not King," since the time of the ancient landscape of Appeal and interpretation in Sheung Shui, the ancient landscape as an essential element is to build, but in the modern landscape gardening and also as a the essential element is to build, but the modern city, not every landscape has to create conditions for real mountain real water, but it does not matter, because soon the landscape in the landscape of God. In time for a plant wall landscape, there is also the landscape.

      First we look at the "Garden" word, traditional Chinese characters as "Park", is divided into four parts, "mouth", "soil", "mouth", "wood", the expression means that in a certain space of water , with plants, is the "Park", and the landscape has really landscape, there are impressionistic landscapes, what is inside impressionistic landscape, the mountain is actually an inch high, then low inch water.

      In the field of plant wall is actually more plant-based play elements in design or under conditions permitting can be used to express the true mountain water, landscape elements contain water wall, pond, rockery, relief, lava, inserts, etc. . And most cases do not allow, can be used to interpret freehand landscape elements in the plant wall, the height of the landscape, the landscape density, permeability barrier of the landscape, the size of the landscape, the landscape of light and shade, movement to the landscape.

      To use the landscape to fit the criteria, the plant wall in the appropriate space or by true mountain water landscape freehand to show, to the "natural" as a reference code, it can be more natural and appropriate.