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    Clivia several anomalies Analysis

    AUTHOR: DATE:2016/8/6 14:34:12 VISITS:

      Clivia vitality, easy cultivation, but it is not easy to keep a good. Especially in the daily management often occur blade were irregular and abnormal, affect its ornamental value.

      Clivia blade were irregular in some blades were sagging prone to twisting phenomenon, because the surface between the blade Shaoyang growth hormone, growth slow blade; backlight side auxin, fast growth, slow growth and leaf always moving side bent, prone to "crooked leaf" phenomenon. Thus, in the conservation of the pots should be regularly rotated, vigorous growth season is generally 7 days rotated once; slow-growing season is generally 10 days to rotate once. If there is not a blade on a straight line, you can use two semi-circular bamboo bent into the soil, clamping blade, over time can gradually adjust over; can also be light plastic, that is opaque and cut into thick paper and basically the same width of the blade strip, and then from the middle of the longitudinal fold, wrap the blade was pulled oblique direction of the sun half, and then transparent tape will stick on both sides of the blade thick paper, after 10-15 days long crooked blade will be rectified.

      Clivia rot rot caused by reasons are many, such as potted wound without disinfection, root rot from the wound penetrated; transplanting, Huanpen, root damage; improper fertilization during growth, resulting in the phenomenon of reverse osmosis, cause root dry dehydration death; more water basin, causing rot; soils alkalized basin compaction, poor ventilation and other permeable. Prevent rot, except when required in the basin of the culture soil disinfection and sterilization, but also rational fertilization watering. Once the rot occurs, the plants were removed from the pot, remove the dirt, rinse with water, cut the rot, dead roots, with 0.1% potassium permanganate soak for 5 minutes then disinfected the wound smear ash or sulfur powder for disinfection. After the process is finished, it was shallow Zairu new culture soil, the roots can be buried, and then pouring a permeable, placed in 20 ℃ shady environment conservation, can grow new leaves after the normal management.

      Dry sharp edges and yellow potted Clivia should remain lit, but the impatience of light, there will be dry tip if light is too strong, dry air, poor ventilation, the yellow side of the phenomenon. Therefore, management should pay special attention to increase humidity.

      Cause clip clip Arrow Arrow caused a lot of temperature inappropriate, improper watering will cause the folder arrow. For Mature clivia, when vegetative growth into reproductive growth, pay attention to observe the changes pseudobulbs, if found false projection bulb, the side of the mast, indicating that emerging flower arrows, then you should stop fertilizing for two weeks, otherwise cause leaf sheaths and pseudobulbs harder, more pressure, causing the clamp arrows. If the bulb due to excessive pressure caused clip arrow, then it can be sterilized knife to cut the sandwich arrow Zhongting sheaths 1.5 cm, reducing pressure on the stem sheaths arrow stalk of grass, promoting arrow stalk of grass sprang.